How to Prepare a Board Presentation

  • AUTHOR: moodsports
  • May 22, 2024
How to Prepare a Board Presentation

A board presentation is one of the most important tasks a leadership team can do. It’s an opportunity for the management team to discuss their goals as well as its priorities and performance with the board so that it can evaluate how it’s doing and whether it’s on track. It also provides the board with an overview of where the company is doing in its field and how it compares to its other companies.

A well-designed board presentation is one that combines high-level information (such as balance sheets, income statements or cash flow statements) and more visual representations of the data. Charts that provide context for numbers by relation to time periods or company goals, as well as competitor performance are included. Also, assets that illustrate specific strategy (such as screenshots of a website or social media ad) are a good choice.

Another aspect that can help make a strong board presentation is speaking in terms that the board understands, and uses. It is preferential to use common metaphors that are easy to comprehend and connect to, for example, driving a business forward or advancing it, instead of using technical terms which can be confusing or overwhelming. Also, it means avoiding jargon and including a glossary.

Additionally, the board will want to understand how your plan will impact the bottom line, and what is required to achieve it. It’s beneficial to talk with the person who invited you to present before the meeting, or at least talk briefly on the phone to get a feel of the theme and find out if there’s any important points to include in your presentation for the board.

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